HOOP IT UP! Birthday Bouquet


Hoop it up with this supercool and fun mix of bright colors, prints and topped with a 34” basketball” Mylar. (The topper can be switched out for a different sport-themed balloon. If you prefer a different topper, please specify in the “special instructions” section during checkout.)


SKU: UPB1016 Category:


Surprise someone on their special day with one of our AMAZING UP! Bouquets. Each bouquet includes a plentiful and fun variety of balloons including latex balloons, foils, oversized balloons and whimsical add-ons perfect for every occasion. All balloons are attached to a streamer and will arrive on a weight or anchor.

Balloon Substitution Policy – Some printed balloons are seasonal or may be out of print at the time of order. Therefore, we may substitute those with one that is similar in design or style.